Meeting Olivier Béroudiaux in his role as facilitator-coach was a key moment in my career progression. I had the opportunity to come across Olivier previously. He always smiled and was an enjoyable company.
His coaching made me reflect on my end of career. Olivier’s fine sensitivity allows him to perceive many things. Through careful listening, he gently guided me towards new pathways to change so that I can regain mental and physical health. I would definitely recommend Olivier because he will never force you and he respects your rhythm according to your request. I wish you a pleasant journey with him.

Mireille Rousseaux-NélisOctobre 2022 - Mai 2023

“A skillful and sensitive communicator who pays attention to people and relationships, whatever they may be. I had the opportunity to co-facilitate a workshop with Olivier and I was impressed by his organization, his sense of efficiency and his reassuring and inspiring presence. His human qualities make him a precious partner with whom I warmly recommend working for his facilitation and coaching skills as well as for his expertise in agile and change generating approaches. Olivier is a coach and facilitator who will guide you with heart and professionalism.”

Loïc PannequinMars 2021

“Olivier is a communicator who also knows very well how to listen to his audience. His empathy and communication techniques encourage people to express themselves and to participate actively.

His explanations are clear, the message comes across very well and the journey is intelligent. He succeeds in building trust with his audience.

Olivier leads the discussion with professionalism and structure. He can also step aside to give free rein to the production of ideas and spontaneous creativity. Then he takes over and summarizes the ideas to produce the expected deliverable.

I wholeheartedly recommend Olivier!”

Christian GennauxFévrier 2021